Minipleat filters in a cleanroom

A cleanroom should be equipped with a Hepa filter for superior air purification. A healthy environment is of great importance to protect people or valuable objects (such as servers in a data center or art collections). With a minipleat filter you can filter particles in the cleanroom at a low pressure drop.

Practically every cleanroom already has air filter class EU10, EU11, EU12 or Hepa filter H13, H14. Ecolucht likes to measure & consult if you can improve the filter performance by switching from your current air filters to minipleat filters. The innovative minipleat technology with hot melt pleat fixation provides multiple benefits in your cleanroom:
  • » maximum filter efficiency
  • » durability: maximum strength (even at pressure drops of 5000 Pa)
  • » aerodynamic for a better air flow
  • » longer lifespan due to larger storage capacity
  • » lower frequency for filter replacement

Create your own cleanroom with minipleatfilters

More and more offices and public buildings need to be equiped for protection against corona. A cleanroom with hepa air filters offers a thorough protection against viruses. In fact, there is an ambition to continue to convert working spaces towards cleanrooms. Especially elderly people in a care center. Ecolucht is your air filter specialist with know-how, calibrated measuring equipment and we have access to the best hepa filters in the world.